The Complete Arabic Book of Safinah (Safinatun An-Najah) and Complete TranslationThe Safinah Book has the full name "Safinatun Najah Fiima Yajibu `ala Abdi Ii Maulah" (a boat of safety in learning the obligations of a servant to his Lord). This book, although small in form, is very useful. In every village, city and country, almost everyone learns and even memorizes it, both individually and collectively.In various countries, this book can be obtained easily in various educational institutions. Because both the students and the scholars are very fond of studying it carefully and thoroughly. This is due to several factors, including: This book covers the main points of religion in an integrated, complete and intact manner, starting with the chapter on the basics of the Shariah, then the chapter on purification, the chapter on prayer, the chapter on zakat, the chapter on fasting and the chapter on Hajj which has been added. by other scholars. This book is presented in an easy language, a light structure and an easy editorial to understand and memorize.Someone who is serious and has high willpower will be able to memorize the entire content in just two or three months or maybe even less.Hopefully Helpful And Can Add Knowledge To All Of Us.Please Download Now Free.Hopefully this application can be useful as material for study and become a loyal friend anytime and anywhere without having to be online.Please give us suggestions and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to give us a sense of enthusiasm in developing other useful applications.Disclaimer :All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.